Friday, November 28, 2014

Thinking about how we eat.

This is a thinking out loud kind of post. This is what I am thinking, We eat lots of carrots, onion, and apples regardless of other factors. In part because they are cheap, in part because my big boy loves to eat carrots and apples and in part because they are nearly always available. Except for this pregnancy, and even still, tomatoes and cheese are the 2 major staples of our diet.
Meats are eaten more in colder weather and beans in warmer weather. I bake more in cool weather, serve many more salads in warmer weather and cook Indian recipes more frequently in hot weather. I make candies around Ramadan and in the fall.
Typically we don't each much citrus fruit, given we live in mountainous desert the quality isn't usually that good for what I buy anyway. We eat more fish in warm weather but not very frequently. We nearly only drink water and milk with hot beverages on occasion and juice slightly more frequently. We also do drink pop rarely.
I much prefer, since my pregnancy with my 1 y old, meals that take less than 20 minutes to prepare, or at least 20 minutes or less of my standing at the counter or stove. I don't mind a meal that took 6 hours to cook, I just don't want to be in the kitchen the whole time.
I'd rather serve rice than potatoes because they require less attention and bread over rice as once baked bread requires nearly no attention at all.
As far as meats go I would rather touch a red meat than poultry or fish. I would rather toss a hunk of meat in a pot or in the oven than any other method and I would rather eat ground beef than any other meat.
I love the taste of berries but they are more expensive than apples or even grapes. I love trying exotic fruits but again the price is a big factor, as well as questionable ethically. That is to say, is it really justifiable that I spend my limited dollars on a piece of fruit that was definitely grow many hundreds of miles away, probably under conditions bad for the environment and bad for the farm workers? For most likely very little pay, if any?
I buy very little candy in a given year, buy dried goods in bulk generally and do buy frozen dinners occasionally.I justify the frozen lasagna or whatever in that I am not spending as much money as I would if we ate out.

SO given all that how can I make meals easier, cheaper and faster?

My thoughts are making freezer meals, freeze leftovers, make simpler recipes and get others to share the burden of cooking.

I post on those ideas in the future, inshallah.

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